Tuesday 15 April 2014

Why did I become an Independent Avon Representative?

Think about why you chose to become an Independent Sales Representative with Avon.  Was it to earn a little extra money to supplement the household income, or did you join because you want to replace your current job and make this your full time career?  Becoming an Avon Independent Sales Representative supports both decisions, but its the latter that I will talk about today.

I became an Independent Sales Representative because I desired to work full time, but have 3 kids that are busy in sports and school activities.  I need to have flexiblity but can still put in the hours on the weekends and evenings!  I enjoy the Avon products, and think there is a market out there that is growing for online sales.

I do put out brochures each campaign, but my goal is to eventually cross over into full time 90% online sales.  With more women working out of the home, and becoming busier, there is more opportunity to sell Avon in offices, on Facebook, Kijiji, and online stores.

Its important to have goals in mind and  plan how to reach them.  Be up on the latest trends going on in the market, for example

Danish Model Nina Agdal is the featured face in the cosmetic campaign of Avon Cosmetics for their new makeup line for Summer 2014.  This reaches a younger audience than Avon typically has in the past.  Avon has been recruiting more actresses and models to promote their product.  

If you are serious here are
7 Success Factors That Will Help Make you a Sales Superstar
(Written by Brian Tracy)
There are 7 secrets, or success factors, of sales success. These success factors are practiced by all the highest paid salespeople every day. The regular application of these principles is virtually guaranteed to move you to the top of your field and enable you to reach your career goals, and develop a positive attitude.
The 7 Success Factors to Sales Success
1. Get serious! Make a decision to go all the way to the top of your field. Make a decision today to join the top 10%. There is no one and nothing that can hold you back from being the best and achieving your career goals except yourself.
2. Identify your limiting skill to sales success. Identify your weakest single skill and make a plan to become absolutely excellent in that area.
3. Get around the right people. Get around successful people with a positive attitude. Associate with men and women who are going somewhere with their lives. Get away from negative, critical, complaining people. They drag you down, tire you out, distract and discourage you, and lead you inevitably to underachievement and failure.
4. Take excellent care of your physical health. You need high levels of energy to sell effectively, and to bounce back from continual rejection and discouragement. Be sure to eat the right foods, get the right amount of exercise and get plenty of rest and recreation.
5. Visualize yourself as one of the top people in your field. Imagine yourself performing at your best all day long. Imagine achieving your career goals. Feed your subconscious mind with vivid, exciting, emotionalized pictures of yourself as positive, confident, competent and completely in control of every part of your life. These clear mental pictures preprogram you and motivate you to sell at your best in any situation.
6. Practice a positive attitude and positive self-talk continually. Control your inner dialogue. Talk to yourself the way you want to be talked to.
7. Take positive action toward your career goals, every single day. Be proactive rather than reactive. Grab the bull by the horns. If you are not happy with your income, get out there and get face to face with more customers. If you are not happy with any part of your life, accept responsibility and take charge.
Take Action Now!
All successful salespeople are intensely action oriented. They have a sense of urgency. They develop a bias for action. They do it now! They have a compulsion to closure. They maintain a fast tempo and move quickly in everything they do.
The more people you see, the more experience you get. The more experience you get, the more sales you make. The more people you see and the more sales you make, the more your self-esteem and self respect goes up, and the more you will feel great about yourself. You will have more energy. You will develop a positive attitude and you will be happier. The more you take complete control of your entire life, you virtually guarantee that you will achieve your career goals, be one of the top performers and the highest paid people in your field.

If you are interested in becoming an independent representative for Avon also, feel free to contact me at Lmaslyk@mymts.net.  Or go to my Facebook page:  Avon with Lisa Maslyk.

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